If you feel unwell, have a temperature, or need advice on chemotherapy side effects or complications – please call 01722 341930 immediately.
If it is an emergency you should phone 999.
If you are worried about your symptoms further to receiving treatment, then please view the following booklet from Cancer Research UK: Your Cancer Treatment Record Book - downloadable version.pdf
This booklet will be given to you when you start your Systemic Anti-Cancer Treatment and highlights the severity of side effects, you could face due to your treatment. It may also help you determine when you need to speak to your medical team, our advice line or 999.
Checking your temperature
We follow guidance so recommend you phone if your temperature is below 36oC or 37.5oC and above. Please also check your temperature if you have symptoms of an infection or are feeling unwell.
A Nurse will assess your symptoms and give you advice. This may be to contact your GP or self help.
You may need to be seen by the Acute Oncology Team on Pembroke Suite who provide advice and assessment for oncology patients who have symptoms or start to feel unwell as a result of Systemic Anti-Cancer Treatment (SACT) or cancer diagnosis.
Please click here for more information on the Acute Oncology Team.